Quickly retrieve the status of any Minecraft server
"online": true,
"host": "play.hypixel.net",
"port": 25565,
"ip_address": "",
"eula_blocked": false,
"retrieved_at": 1728367934555,
"expires_at": 1728367994555,
"srv_record": null,
"version": {
"name_raw": "Requires MC 1.8 / 1.21",
"name_clean": "Requires MC 1.8 / 1.21",
"name_html": "<span><span>Requires MC 1.8 / 1.21</span></span>",
"protocol": 47
"players": {
"online": 16031,
"max": 200000,
"list": []
"motd": {
"raw": " §aHypixel Network §c[1.8-1.21]\n §6§lHALLOWEEN EVENT §7| §3§lSB 0.20.6",
"clean": " Hypixel Network [1.8-1.21]\n HALLOWEEN EVENT | SB 0.20.6",
"html": "<span><span> </span><span style=\"color: #55ff55;\">Hypixel Network </span><span style=\"color: #ff5555;\">[1.8-1.21]</span><span>\n </span><span style=\"color: #ffaa00;font-weight: bold;\">HALLOWEEN EVENT </span><span style=\"color: #aaaaaa;\">| </span><span style=\"color: #00aaaa;font-weight: bold;\">SB 0.20.6</span></span>"
"icon": " (...15.6 kB)",
"mods": [],
"software": null,
"plugins": []
You may learn more about this response by reading the route details on the API documentation.